Czech Pavel Novák has represented Arcteq products for eight years. Before that, he knew some of the current partners and employees of Arcteq when they were still working at VAMP, whose client Pavel was.
– The first contact with Arcteq was years ago, when I called Samuel (Key Account Manager at Arcteq) and asked about products for a customer project. Samuel replied that he can offer those products, but today he represents a small startup company called Arcteq, Pavel recalls.
Pavel’s company EL-INSTA ENERGO s.r.o. sells wide range Arcteq’s security products throughout the Czech Republic, such as AQ 100, AQ 210 ja AQ 250. In addition, they also sell some products to Czech companies operating in neighbouring countries.
– Our customers are mainly small and medium-sized industrial companies who value fast and flexible service, and you can get that from Arcteq. Big companies also have good products, but they have long reaction times, he states.
Pavel has visited Arcteq before, but it was his first time attending a sales meeting held last June. The participants are more sales oriented, but many have a technical background.
– Knowing technology is also useful in sales work, Pavel states.
At the time of the interview, one wish related to the trip to Finland had yet to come true, as Pavel was looking forward to going to the sauna.